The Genome Legacy Book One (The Genome Legacy Seasons 1) Page 14
Arrow chuckles. “Your breasts are perfect, they don’t need to change.
Octavius’s hands slid up my body and grasp my breasts. “For once, he’s right, they’re perfect.” His hot lips kiss my neck. A semi-erection presses into my ass.
I melt into him. My nipples ignite with a fiery passion. I swear, I could almost orgasm just from him toying with the hard peaks. A gasp escapes me as my eyes close. My clit aches with the need to be touched. If only his hands would go lower. But if he touches me there—I’m out of his arms in a second, breathing hard.
The flashes of the documentary they had us watch play in my mind, all about when they explained how messy the shedding of uterus lining could be. Rosie had blood on her thighs a little bit ago. I don’t want them touching me there when it’s bloody and who knows what else.
My clit throbs more, protesting my train of thought. Why should I care? If they don’t care?
I shake my head. “I can’t. I want to, but I don’t want you touching me there right now. It’s all sorts of gross.”
Octavius adjusts himself through his pants. “Are you sure?”
Arrow steps closer. “It’s natural. We, at least I, don’t care. If you’re horny, we can help you.”
I want nothing more to take him up on his offer, but another part of me, the stronger part, wants to run and hide. “I’m not to that level of desperate enough to look past it.”
I glance over my shoulder at Rosie as she stalks toward us. She reaches for my hand and grabs it before pulling me off toward the waterfall.
Jogging to catch up with her strides, I come to walk beside her. “What’s up?”
She stops walking. “Pansy’s so mean! Just because her period didn’t happen as the same time as me, she’s so mad. We don’t need to share ever damn experience.”
“Are you sure she won’t get mad seeing you talking to me? Since I did start my period the same time as you?” I peer over my shoulder to make sure she isn’t sending me death glares from somewhere.
Her grip tightens on my hand. “I don’t care, she’ll get over it. It’s good to have a female friend that’s not her.”
A smile tugs at my face. I agree with her, it’s nice to have a friend who is a girl.
Chapter Eighteen
The Flower
Two months later…
I follow Arrow, Echo walks behind with his hand in mine. After days of begging, they've agreed to let me explore the jungle with them. Now that Bach's app allows us to know exactly when the darkness will hit. King and Octavius stayed back at base, helping with making support columns for expanding the treehouses. They're better at construction than the three of us. Echo can't build as well as the others. I'm not accurate enough with my placement, and Arrow wants to know more about the surrounding area and if they are any daytime creatures we need to worry about.
I smear mud along another tree trunk, marking our way back to base. Placing the jar back in my bag, we still as something cracks off in the distance. Arrow glances over his shoulder, a finger to his lips.
Another crack, closer this time. He steps in its direction. It takes a while to help Echo silently navigate without hurting him, but we catch up with Arrow, who stands at the edge of a small clearing.
Peering around Arrow; deer-like-creatures graze on leaves. My hand covers my mouth, their lilac fur shines in the light of the day, speckles of white covering their rear. Where horns should be, tentacles swipe around the air. Huge black eyes take up most of their narrow faces.
Arrow leans back to whisper in Echo's ear. He’s better at explaining the scene to him than I am.
More of the creatures enter the clearing, white tails up like flags as they gaze around. They must smell us and don't know what to think. They settle after a few moments, eating at the lower plants. Several babies frolic around, playing with one another. If I didn’t know better, I’d think they were like the deer we learned about in zoology, but mutated due to radiation or some other chemical.
Arrow leads us away from them, not wanting to disturb the herd and perhaps incite a negative reaction. We return to the tree with the mud and trudge on to see what else this place has in store for us.
Echo clears his throat. “Can we find a spot to take a small break? I need some water and a breather from all these roots I have to watch out for.”
Arrow nods as we come up to a pile of boulders. “Sure. Your timing couldn’t be better, we can rest here for a few minutes.” He taps his implant, bringing up Bach’s app. “Four hours until the darkness gets here. We’ll have to turn back soon, so we can get back to base in time.”
Echo moves toward the boulders and sits on top of one. I pull my bag off my shoulder to hand him a jug of water. He takes it, gulping down the chilled liquid. Something sweet attacks my senses.
I lift my nose to the air. That smells so good. I must know what it is. “Do you guys smell that?” Following the scent, I walk off.
“What smell? Where are you going?” Arrow trails behind me.
"I have to smell it better." I mumble. Following my nose into a dense patchwork of trees. My eyes land on the flower. Its long purple petals spread out, curling under at the tips, pulsating—almost breathing. At its center long, neon-yellow tendrils reach out toward me. I must go to it. Breathe in deep it's intoxicating scent.
"Velma, wait," Arrow grabs my wrist before I can get close enough to touch it. "That thing doesn't look friendly, look at it, it's growing in shadows."
I pull on my wrist, trying to free it from him. "I have to smell it better. I must. Can't you smell that wonderful scent?"
He shakes his head. "No, I can't. Echo do you smell what she's talking about?"
Echo clicks his way closer to us. "I smell a lot of things, but nothing specific.
I continue to pull, but he won't give. "It's sweet, you can't miss it."
Echo frowns. "Nothing I smell is sweet. Perhaps we should turn back now, Arrow. Come back tomorrow."
Using a light kick, I nail Arrow in the gut, throwing him off enough to lessen his hold on my wrist. I swiftly make it to the flower before he can stop me again. I won't be able to sleep until I get to it. The flower reaches out to me, stretching its stem to stop in front of my face. Inhaling deep, my entire body ignites with fire. The tendrils touch my nose, a cluster hits the front of my head, filling my vision with white. I stumble back. What the hell was that? Why did I smell that thing?
Arrow takes me by the shoulders. "Are you okay? You shouldn't have done that."
I peer up at him. "Are you okay? I'm sorry I kicked you. I don't know what overcame me. I couldn't think about anything else. I'm okay." My hand goes to my forehead, the debilitating pain from before fades.
“I’m fine, you just took me off guard. What did it do to you?” He leans down to stare into my eyes, his hand cups my cheek.
I gasp as his skin meets mine. The fire roars through my body, coming to rest in my clit. I need him to touch me, everywhere, all at once. Leaning into him, I press my body against his. My fingers grip at his shirt. Standing on my tip-toes, I bring him down into a passionate kiss.
His hands grip my waist, pulling me closer. Yes! I need more. My hands travel down across his chest and abs to end up at the button of his jeans. I undo them, but he stops me, breaking the kiss. “Woah, it’s not that I’m not enjoying the attention, but are you sure you’re okay?”
Heat pours throughout my body, sweat pools at the back of my neck. If he would just touch me more, it would go away. The throbbing in my clit weakens my knees. It’s as if it will never be satisfied, with its unquenchable need. I try to go for the button again. “Of course I’m okay. I just really, really need you right now. Echo, too.”
His fingers wrap around my wrists, holding me off from what I want. “This would be going off the schedule though.”
A soft growl comes from the back of my throat. “Fuck the schedule. It’s boring, predictable. There’s no passion. And I’m still not pre
Arrow glances at Echo, who frowns. He touches my forehead, I lean into his touch. “You’re burning up.” I yelp as he lifts me into the air, cradling me in his arms. “That flower did something to you, we need to get you back to base. C’mon, Echo.”
I kick my legs. He doesn’t get it. “Of course I’m hot.” Leaning my head against his shoulder, I place small kisses on his neck. “I need you, please.”
His hand grips my thigh tighter. “I can’t. Not until I can examine you properly.”
My fingers trace over his collarbone. “Please, I’m begging you.”
Arrows pink lips form a fine line. “Not until I know it won’t kill you.” He jogs.
The heat swirls around my head. I can’t take this anymore. Darkness pulls at the corners of my vision.
Chapter Nineteen
A Throbbing Need
“What happened?” Octavius voice echoes within the darkness of my mind. My clit throbs. I want this unbearable need to stop. I try to move, but everything down to my eyelids weighs a thousand pounds.
Arrow sighs. “There was this plant. It did something to her. She was the only one that could smell it. All she wanted to do was go near it. I tried to stop her, but she took me off guard and went for it, anyway. Next thing I know she’s stumbling away from it holding her head.”
King growls. “I knew it wasn’t a good idea to let her go.”
“Then I touched her, and she was trying to tear off my clothes in the next second. I think she’s being affected by a poison with aphrodisiac properties. I’m scared that if we give into her want, the poison may kill her.”
“She’s getting worse, Arrow. Her temperature isn’t going down. Maybe we should give into her desire. At this rate she will not make it until the next light cycle.” King growls from nearby. Yes! Please listen to him! My mind’s back to the present. I wish I could open my eyes and jump into a bath of ice water.
Arrow huffs. “What if giving into the desire of whatever is affecting her kills her? We should continue to let her sweat it out.
Echo clicks his tongue his steps getting closer. “We’ve been letting her sweat it out, and it’s not working. I side with King on his point. I don’t want her to die of hyperthermia.”
“Maybe we should get input from the others on this. We aren’t able to decide on our own.” The worry thick in Octavius’s voice. I don’t think I’ve ever heard him like this. “There’s four guys down there without a partner. One or more them will be a part of our group. This should be a wider group decision. We’re literally debating her life right now.”
Arrow growls and his foot falls going back and forth. “Velma hasn’t picked one of them. This decision should remain between us.”
I wish I could communicate with them. I don’t care if it kills me, I need them to give me some relief from this lust overtaking my body.
Fingers stroke around my clit. I raise my hips—able to move again for the first time in hours—my back arches more, lifting me off the floor. More friction, I need as much friction as possible. Their fingers dip inside me, gathering my juices before running them up to my slit and grinding them into my clit. My thighs come together around their arm, holding them in place. A small orgasm washes through me, but it’s nowhere near as powerful as I need it to be. I open my eyes, my muscles no longer feeling like lead. Echo sits on the floor near my bed of sleeping bags. “Th-thank ya-you,” I get out. The sweltering heat grows under my flesh. My clit tightens with need, it wasn’t enough. I need more.
Echo gives a half-hearted smile. “Are you feeling any cooler?”
Daylight streams in through the window. How long have I been out? Where are the others? I swear they were all just here, fighting over how to treat me.
The throb in my clit reaches an all new height. All the questions flooding my mind cease. I reach for Echo pulling him into a hard, deep kiss on top of me. He hovers, his arms bracing himself on both sides of my body.
He places kisses along my neck. Long, rough fingers travel down my side before his hand cups my center, two fingers enter me and curl, finding my g-spot. A moan escapes me as his palm rubs against my clit. I fist my hands. Warm lips encompass my right nipple. My head lolls from side to side. I can only comprehend the shocks of pleasure that keep jolting up my spine.
This orgasm stronger than last eases the painful throbbing in my clit to a tolerable level. I pull him into a quick heated kiss before letting go. He sits back before handing me a large shirt to cover myself.
I can think clearer now. “Th-thank you, again. I feel good enough to think beyond just my own carnal desires. Where are the others? I could hear you arguing over what to do with me. I tried to communicate, but it was like my body was asleep.”
He licks his lips while frowning. “Arrow, King, and Bach went to speak with the tentacle beasts near our fallen ship. He’s hoping they may know what’s affecting you and how fix it. We don’t know what else to do to keep you from dying. We’ve tried everything we can think of, but no matter how many orgasms you have, you still end up falling back into a coma like state after a while.”
I frown. What is he talking about? “I don’t understand. I don’t remember having other orgasms before now.”
He nods. “You have remembered little. Each time you wake up, it’s all new. That’s why Arrow has gone to see if the tentacle beasts will help you, since that child seemed to like you.”
I touch my forehead. “I’ve got-gotten myself into a real mess, ha-haven’t I? I’m so-sorry.”
Echo holds his hands out, I take them. “Don’t be sorry, Vel. Things like this were bound to happen at some point. There’s no way for you to have known what that plant would do to you. We’ve kept you alive this long, we’ll figure out how to cure you.”
My frown deepens. “You’ve kept me alive for how long?”
He rubs the back of his neck. “Today is the fourth day.”
Tingles spread throughout my body. I touch my collarbone. “And you’ve been giving me orgasms this entire time? I remember none of it. Not a single second.” Hot tears gather in my eyes. I can’t remember any of it. What will become of me?
Echo clicks and reaches for my face, brushing away the tears. “I know it’s scary. But we will make you better. I know Arrow won’t quit until he has a cure for you.”
The world sways from side to side as the panic rises more in my chest. “Wh-what if you ca-can’t find a cu-cu-cure. I don’t want to live my life not re-remembering it, forcing you and the others to give me orgasms just so I won’t di-die. If-if he ca-can’t—”
Echo places a finger over my lips. “Don’t say it. I know. If nothing can be done by the end of the week, you’ll kill yourself.”
A sob erupts from me. I cover my mouth with my hand, trying not to let everyone know I’m crying. He pulls me into a hug, holding me tight and letting me cry onto his shoulders. The ever-persistent ache returns to my clit at his musky scent. Grasping at his shirt, more sobs wreck my body. I will not remember this later. How did this become my life?
“You told her?” Octavius’s voice came from behind us. He held water globs and plates of food in his hands, enough for all three of us.
I pull from the hug. He sits down next to me on my makeshift bed and lays out the food for us to share. Echo clicks to know where everything is, before he picks up his fork to stab at a piece of chocolate cake. In fact, all the food comes in some form of a dessert. A small smile tugs at my lips, Octavius and his sweet tooth, at least I can count on him always staying true to himself.
Octavius throws his arm around my shoulders and pulls me into an embrace. "I know it's scary and you hate it, but it'll be okay. Arrow and I may not like each other most of the time, but that doesn't mean I don't believe in his ability to find a cure for you. He has the most medical training out of all of us. I've never seen him work harder, he truly loves you."
A warmth spreads throughout my chest. He's right. I wish Arrow was here, so I could speak with him.
With all my might, I hope he comes back with something that will make me better. Make me remember what's happened from day to day.
I reach for a water glob and drink it in one go, the thirst didn't hit me until it touched my lips, but I could do with more. Rubbing the excess water on the back of my neck, I will myself to cool down, but it's not working. Deep in my heart I know the only way to feel better is to have another orgasm, but how many can my body withstand before I fall into another coma out of the need to rest, and then I won't remember any of this.
The tears well up, but before I can cry again Octavius shoves a whipped-cream covered cake into my mouth, taking me off guard. "No more tears, Squeaks. You can't cry with something sweet in your mouth, the two just don't go together. I know you'll be better by the end of the week."
I wipe away the tears and nod. They don't need me to be a mental basket case right now. I'm sure I've freaked out on them every time I wake up and realize I remember nothing.
Octavius touches the back of his hand to my forehead. "You're burning up, again."
My head lolls as I nod. The fog entering my brain makes forming a coherent sentence hard. I want nothing more than for him to get me off.
Picking up a dollop of cream from the cake still on the plate, he swipes it along both sides of my neck. "Come join me, Echo, she looks good enough to eat, with sweet cream on her neck."
Echo crawls over to my other side. In harmony, the two of them kiss my neck at the same time. Their hot tongues lapping away the sticky cream. Octavius's teeth scrape along my neck, pulling and sucking until I'm sure small bruises litter my skin. Echo trails kisses up to my ear before nibbling at my earlobe. A new heat enters my clit. Both doing things I like at the same time will drive me insane.
Octavius reaches out and trails his rough fingers from my calf to my thigh, stopping where the hem of my shirt lies. Shifting to my side, I pull him to a kiss. Echo leaves my neck to grab more of the whipped-cream, spreading it along my outer thigh, before kissing and lapping his way down my leg. Octavius grips my waist pulling me even closer. His expert tongue caresses mine as we play with one another.