The Genome Legacy Book One (The Genome Legacy Seasons 1) Page 4
He comes to crouch in front of me. “Are you okay?”
Only two words come to mind. “Th-thank ya-you."
Chapter Four
On jello-like legs I stand and let go of his hand. My arms and hands cover my breasts and vagina. He may be blind, but the guy with him isn't. My cheeks burn. This is so embarrassing. He can see everything.
The other guy steps forward, his skin and hair a dark-blue; his eyes grey, he clears his throat. "Here, take my shirt, it should be long enough to cover you." Grey eyes pulls his shirt over his head, revealing his rock-hard abs and V-cut hips that go below his jeans. He tosses it to me.
I catch it awkwardly, before putting it on, it falls to just above my knees, at least now I'm covered from him being able to see me. I glance at Richard's unconscious form.
The guy with whites for eyes places a hand on my shoulder. "You didn't answer my question. Are you okay, did he hurt you?"
I can still feel his rough fingers rubbing me raw. What would've happened if they hadn't saved me? "N-not fully."
"Let's get you out of here and to the infirmary." Grey eyes motions for me to follow him.
"I-I don't ne-need to g-g-g-" Stupid mouth, why won't it work for me.
"He assaulted you, you do need to go there and file a report against him." Grey eyes's mouth forms a firm, stubborn line.
He reaches out and grabs my hand, pulling me out of the shed and into the day-light. I squint my eyes at the change in light. Grey eyes pulls me along.
"C'mon, Echo. We don't have time to finish the guard, He'll get what's coming to him when the doctor finds out about what he's been doing."
I glance over my shoulder as I struggle to keep up with his long strides. The other guy follows. In the sunlight, the iridescent-hue sparkles in his grey skin. He follows us without any trouble, every so often a click bounces of his tongue. Is he using echo-location?
Soon, were back inside the main building and heading for the infirmary at almost break-neck speed. "C-ca-can you sa-slow down, pa-please?"
He huffs, his gait becoming smaller, I don't have to sprint to keep up as he still hasn't let go of my hand. "Better?"
I try not to consider him rude for his behavior. Him and Echo did save me from an irreversible evil back there. His temper leaves less than to be desired though.
We continue, entering an elevator to go to the second floor. My heart hammers, flashbacks of this morning fresh in my mind. How did I get here? Why did any of this happen? Who are these guys? I sway at the assault of emotion and questions. Grey eyes tightens his grip on my fingers, his hand dwarfs mine.
"You ca-can let g-g-g-"
He drops my hand. "Sorry."
Embarrassment scorches my entire body. Why can't I keep from sputtering? With a ding, the door opens and we step out into the infirmary. Hundreds of people sit around the waiting room, all in various states of distress. Were these the people that passed their tests, or the ones that lost without dying?
Grey eyes growls. "Fuck!"
"I'm okay. I da-don't want ta-t-to wait around He-here." I head back for the elevator.
Echo stops me this time, grabbing onto the back of his friend's t-shirt. "We'll grab a number first, and they can call us on our implants when it's time to come back. He'll just keep preying on girls if you don't do anything about it.
Grey eyes goes to a hologram-terminal and taps information into the fields before the implant in his bicep lights up. He comes back to Echo who still holds onto my shirt. He taps his implant, light shines from it before the hologram-screen pixalizes in the middle of the three of us. He chooses the alarm for the hospital with the number for his place in line, he makes two copies before casting them to our implants. Mine lights up and vibrates underneath my skin. "Now if we get separated you'll still know when to come back here."
I nod.
"Let's go find you some water. I'm sure you need it right now."
Grey eyes walks off, Echo follows. I watch them walk away. Should I follow them?
Grey eyes glances over his shoulder. "C'mon."
I gulp before going in their direction. They head for the ramp that winds down into a large refreshment area, this too is almost to capacity with people. I stay close, so I don't get separated from them.
Grey eyes heads for a water-ball stand. He taps his implant against the sensor and places his hand under the spout. A clear glob forms before it falls into his palm. He holds it out to me, I take it.
"Th-thank you."
He runs a hand over his dark-blue curls. It's now I notice the webs between his fingers. "I suppose we should introduce ourselves. My name is Arrow, and he's Echo."
I nod to each of them, the cool ball in my grasp calms my nerves a tad. "I'm Velma."
Echo perks and ear. "Like Scooby-Doo?"
"Ye-yeah." I press my lips to the glob and suck, the liquid rushes into my mouth with the smooth, crisp taste of fresh water. The ball shrinks in size, but stays whole as I draw back.
"I loved that show as a kid. I always related to her intelligence."
A grin strains my cheeks, I tip forward on my toes before catching myself. "That's one of the reasons I chose her name." My eyes widen, I didn't stutter.
A small smile tugs at both of their lips.
"Squeaks, that you?"
Octavius? My attention turns to above me where the ramp curves over our heads. He leans over the side. His white, wispy hair falling front of his face. He smiles as I make eye contact with all four of his black eyes. Leaning over the bar more, he flips his body over the side and drops down to land next to me.
" "You didn't get hurt. What are you doing here? I came to check on a buddy of mine. Got his leg ripped clean off, but still made it out alive. His won't grow back though. Why are you wearing his shirt? What up, Arrow?" He nudges his chin at him.
I stare at the ground as his arm goes around my shoulders. With all the excitement, I had almost forgotten why we came here in the first place. Soon, I'll have to file a report against Richards. No one's going to believe me, why are they making me do this? I want to shower again. My flesh warms with the heat of feeling gross. I should've taken him up on his offer. Then Richards wouldn't have seen me in the showers, and the shed wouldn’t have happened.
"Hey, why'd you invisible, Squeaks."
The words rest in my throat. I just want to pretend it didn't happen. Still invisible, I step out of his grasp. Taking off the shirt, I toss it at Arrow. I probably won't ever see any of them again after tomorrow. It’s unlikely will be going to same place together. Taking off, I sprint through the horde of people, their bodies grazing my naked flesh. They yell, but none of them can see me. I must make it back to my bunk and then I can get new clothes. All of this will just seem like a bad dream by then."
"Hey, Velma, come back! You need to file a report!" Arrow's voice follows me, but he soon stops in the middle of some people. He doesn't know where I am. Slipping away completely will be easier now.
Back in the Reptile sector, I grab my lounging clothes, soft pants and an over-sized t-shirt. I feel human again, as I put them on and make myself appear again to the naked eye. My arm buzzes, my implant signaling that it has become my turn in the line.
I shake my head. Why am I so weak? I couldn't even fight off my attacker. I should've said something, disobeyed him before he drugged me, or something. At least then an audience would've formed, and he wouldn't have been able to sneak me off to that shed.
My arm buzzes again. I tap it this time, it lights up and the screen pixelized in front of me.
Arrow: Are you really going to be a coward and run?
The text message greets me. I never get them. He must've retained my info after copying the alarm to me.
I frown. tension bubbling in my gut.
Me: Yes. Have a good transition.
Tomorrow a new chapter of my life will begin. Maybe I'll wake up and not be a coward anymore.
r Five
The lights of my cubby flick on, blinding my closed eyes. I turn away, burying my face into my head rest. I got maybe two hours sleep. My brain wouldn't shut up. "Get a move on creatures! We don't have all day for you to move out of here." Richards voice booms through the sector. My head bangs against the top of my bunk. My heart thuds against my breast bone. Yesterday rushes back to me all at once, as if it just happened not even five seconds ago.
Twisting my body, I leap off the side of my bunk and onto the floor before grabbing the bag of clothes I'm taking to the new place. My bunk mates still struggle to wake up. I was smart and just stayed in the clothes I wore yesterday. I don't say anything to them before turning invisible. We'll probably end up in the same place, and we've never been friends.
Most people spliced with reptiles don't have a wide range of emotion, thus any them wanting to form long-lasting relationships is rare. I wasn't one of the lucky few devoid of non-primitive emotions. I feel everything too much.
People form lines in front of several guards. Richards patrols the room. I'll just hop into one of these lines and stay invisible until they count us. He'll never see me, and I won't have to deal with his retaliation for yesterday.
I go to the end of the fourth line and stand in place. The next person to get into the line runs into me, but doesn't say anything. It's not uncommon for chameleon splicers to go invisible if nervous.
Richards goes to my bunk area, I watch from across the room. "Where's RS45988?" His voice booms.
My muscles tense. He's looking for me. How am I going to get out of this?
He reaches for his utility belt and pulls out a pair of glasses. I can't breathe. Those glasses help him see me. He's going to kill me, I just know it.
His shit-brown eyes find me in an instant. I can't breathe! My legs won't work. Someone, anyone, save me from this man. His heavy-steps crescendo over people talking.
Reaching out, his fat, rough fingers wrap themselves around my neck and lift me off the ground. I kick my legs and pierce my nails into his flesh, but he won't give. "Found you." He laughs.
People turn their heads to glance our way, but none of them are ballsy or dumb enough to help me. His grip lessens, I gasp for air.
"You're wanted elsewhere." He sets me on the ground, before turning my body around to handcuff my arms together. He sticks my arm with the same thing he did yesterday; I reappear in front of everyone. All my blood rushes to my toes, and the hair on my arms stands on end. This is happening again. Why, how?
His arm goes around my shoulders. "I'll steer you there."
As we exit my sector he grabs the shock pistol he keeps on his belt. Unlike his shock shot-gun, the pistol won't kill me, it'll just make me wish I were dead. He presses the pistol into the small of my back. "Don't even think about running, or I'll paralyze you. The corporation thinks you're going off to the next compound today. Already submitted your file as checked in. No one will miss you if you stay in my shed for a while."
Blackness edges in on the sides of my vision. Oh god, I'm never going to be free. I'm going to die at his hands. I'm so stupid.
My legs stop. I'm frozen. The gun travels down my butt before being shove in between my legs. "Move. You know where to go."
"There she is, Doctor Langsting!"
Arrow? I glance over my shoulder. He stands with an old man, dressed as one of the doctors. In an all silver unisex, jumpsuit. Two guards stand behind them.
Richards hastily pulls the gun out from between my legs and shoves it into the holster. "Doctor Langsting, how are you? This creature ran away this morning, and I was just taking her back to her sector to be processed on."
Arrow comes up to us first and pulls me to him. He stares at the binds of my wrists. "Take these off her, now."
Richards looks him over. Taking his dark-blue skin, hair, and webbed fingers. "I don't take orders from creatures."
The older doctor comes to stand in front of Richards. His salt-and pepper hair curls at the ends, just over his ears. His glasses glint off the lights above us. The guards stop mere inches from him. "Do as he said, Richards." His voice almost horse.
Richards lip flares before he punches a code into the hologram numbers on the cuffs. They release and fall back into his hands. Arrow grabs my wrist and holds onto it. What is it with him grabbing me all the time?
"My son," the doctor motions to Arrow. Wait, he has a dad? "Has informed me of your indiscretions, Richards. I had my guards investigate your shed, and they found the proof to validate his statement."
All color drains from Richards face. He takes a step away from us, ready to run. The two guards behind the doctor come forward and grab him.
"Rape is a class one offense, and you've had over a dozen victims; we found your box of hair. Per the laws created by the New World Order, you shall have your penis surgically removed and your forehead will be branded with the mark of the rapist. Take him away to the hospital."
Richard's eyes widen as he fights the grip of the guards. "What, no! You can't do that to me, it's inhumane."
Doctor Langsting shrugs. "I'm following the law. In the eyes of the Order, you're the one who has been inhumane. Take him away."
The guards drag him off as he fights them. Neither one budge or appear to struggle to keep a hold on him. My heartbeat returns to a normal speed. He can no longer hurt me, or try and keep me a prisoner.
"Th-ank you for sa-saving me from hi-im." I cover my mouth with my hand. Why can't I ever speak normal when I want to?
The doctor frowns. "I had my suspicions, but no one ever came forward to report him. Without that, I couldn't do much of anything. Luckily, my son helped save you yesterday. His testimony, and the search of the shed were enough. The Order fast-tracked the files for me this morning."
I nod. "I should get ba-back to my sec-ctor now. Be-before they le-leave without me."
Arrow tightens his grip on my wrist. I pull on it, but he won't give. "You won't be going with them."
My heart hammers once again. "A-am I be-being pun-punished?"
Doctor Langsting laughs before piercing me with his green eyes. "No, dear girl. I work in the reproduction center. Arrow came to me with your file yesterday, and I think you're the missing piece to my new project. So, you will be going on a different life path from your sector comrades. If you'll follow me, I'll explain everything on the bus."
He leads the way and Arrow half pulls me along. Reproduction center? Project? Bus? Like in the kind that humans drove hundreds of years ago?
I stare at Arrow’s back. What has he volunteered me for? Why do they have a reproduction center? All of us are sterile.
Chapter Six
The Bus
We walk for what feels like forever. Countless hallways, and turns in all directions. Even if I could get out of Arrow’s grip on my wrist, I would have no idea how to find my sector again. They’re probably gone at this point, sent off to whatever place comes after here.
I tug on my wrist. “L-let go of me-me. I don’t even know h-how to g-get ba-back from here.”
He lessens his hold, but doesn’t relinquish his grasp.
“Have you always had a stutter, or was it from the shock of yesterday?” Doctor Langsting spins to face us, he walks backwards, his eyes darting between the two of us.”
Heat floods my cheeks. I hate when people bring it up. “All my-my li-life, doctor.” I bite my lower lip. And I hate every bit of it.
“I see. No one ever worked with you to fix it?”
“Ye-es. B-b-but it di-didn’t work. It’s Psy-psycho-logical.” If only I had control over it now. They saved me, why can’t I speak with them right?
He nods. “I see.”
“Wh-what are ya-your plans fa-for me-me?” I glance at Arrow. He stares straight ahead, as he pulls me along.
The doctor laughs. “Again, all in due time. I don’t like to repeat myself. There are several others who are being rounded up at this time as well; whom I’m sure
have just as many questions as you.”
My heart continues to hammer. “O-okay.”
We round another corner. A dead end? The doctor faces the wall and extends is arms outward in a broad gesture. “We’ve made it.”
I lift an eyebrow. Has he lost it? What if he is just impersonating a doctor? I’m screwed. I glance at Arrow, he appears to think this is normal. Oh god, he’s crazy, too. Why didn’t I try harder to remember all the turns we took? Maybe I can find a guard, and they can help me get to where my sector was going.
Doctor Langsting steps forward and presses his left hand to the wall. Several beeps echo in the vast hall before the wall lifts away to reveal the outside world. Not just a field for us to walk around in, but the city beyond the facility. My eyes widen as my jaw drops. I never thought I'd get to see the city lit up by a morning sunrise. The metal buildings glow and glint in the hues of pinks and gold.
"It's beautiful."
The Doctor glances over his shoulder at me. "It is, isn't it? In my opinion, the architecture of today surpass all that came before it."
I nod. Hardly registering the fact that Arrow continues to pull me along to the silver-metal tube like thing standing a few hundred feet in front of us. Then it comes into my view. I'm supposed to get in that contraption? I stop a few feet from it, forcing Arrow to stop as well. "D-do I ha-have to g-g-get on th-that?"
Arrow pulls on my wrist. "It won't hurt you. You would've rode in one today even if you went with your sector. Stop being childish, it's not becoming."
Becoming? "I wa-wasn't a-a-aware I had to li-live up ta-to ya-your st-st-standards." I wrench my wrist from his grasp.
A window of the bus lifts. Octavius pokes his head out of it, all four of his black eyes stare at me with glee. "I didn't know you were picked for this shit as well."
I can't tell if he's happy or angry about whatever this shit is. I'm just glad to see a face I'm more comfortable with. "I-I don't na-know what's ga-going on."